Beginners Guide to Meditation

If you’re like me when I first started you may find the idea of mediation pretty hard to understand and assumed you would need to sit for ages in silence for it to work. 

meditation can feel overwhelming

It can feel quite hard and overwhelming at first and you may think its not working. 

But really mediation is all about slowing down, giving yourself space, allowing new awareness and showing you are worthy of the time to sit still and reconnect with yourself. It offers stillness from all the external chaos and distraction in our lives. Over time it can bring about changes in your gratitude, awareness, perspective, understanding of self and how you feel about others.

To sit and do nothing is the very thing our brain may resist doing if it is not used to it. And its ok that your mind wonders. Its the proactive of bringing awareness to your mind wondering that from the basis of mediation. 

top tips for meditating

Watch video below for tips….if not keep scrolling.


1. You don't have to sit in silence you can use guided mediations to help you focus, you can find lots of these on my website. 

2. If you are sitting in silence, allow your mind to focus on the breath inhale and exhale. If your mind  wonders just bring it back to focusing on inhale and exhale. 

3. Try and do it once a day if only for three - ten minutes, the more consistent you are the better

4. wear something comfortable 

5. this is your time to give yourself something back so you can make it as special or relaxing as possible. Use candles, crystals, comfy cushions.

6. You can practice anywhere, at work, on the train, in the office, it just gives you a little bit of headspace through out the day. 

7. be clear on your reason that is motivating you to meditate. to feel less stressed, more focused, relaxed?

8. don’t worry if you have bad days, just make a commitment to try your best 

9. don’t let other things get in the way. you only have to carve out max ten minutes a day. 

Wishing you an insightful and enjoyable experience. Love to hear how you get on.