Leaving relationships with gratitude.
Moving on with positivity.
My top tips for letting go of unhealthy or non serving relationships:
Allow yourself time.
There will always be sadness and hurt when a relationship ends, and those feelings need to be processed. Don't expect to be able to give a positive review of your ex partner
immediately it will take time.
Write things down.
Make a list of all the things that were positive about the relationship, so they don't drown in a sea of negatives. The act of writing things down also reinforces positive thinking.
Create a timeline.
This allows you to see your relationship as a whole and recognise that there were good times at various stages along the way. Don't focus all your attention at the end when it
broke down.
Identify the benefits.
Whether its friends, personal growth, travel, security most relationships can give you something. Think about what you have gained and what your partner has gained from you.
Write a letter.
Sometimes we just want to keep bombarding them with thoughts that pop into our heads whether its the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. Sometimes these are not helfpul and can seem like an emotional highjack. We go through a range of emotions when we end a relationship. Try writing all these thoughts in a mock letter. Imagine you are
writing to them explaining all the things you feel good and bad.
See opportunity as well as loss.
Your future may not be panning out as you imagined it would just yet, but it's still your future. Hold onto what you got out of the relationship and use it to create a new life for
"Change is inevitable and not necessarily a personal reflection on you. If you have grown apart then you have also grown, and if you are happy with the person you have become, there is no reason you cannot live a happy and independent life, while recognising your former partner helped you get to this place. "